Favourite childhood memory?
Having an afternoon nap with my mum. Pottering in the kitchen with my mum. My dad reading to me. Going on holiday and get to hang with my big brother 24/7. Meeting a black border collie on an empty path whilst on holiday in wales and making friends. I named him King. and weekend gatherings at my grandma's house. My siblings, cousins, and I would all spend time at Grandma's and we'd run around playing. Usually we'd be creating pretend shops to sell imaginary goods.
Favourite season?
Autumn. Late summer.
Favourite sound?
The silence and the sounds of walking through apine tree Forest in autumn. And water. And my children’s laughter.
Favourite object?
A little clay house my big brother made and gave to me when he was 6 years old.
Who inspired you?
Everyone and everything.
Whats the best part of collaborating with Halcyon Nights?
Really really nice people that created stunning and very good quality pieces that lasts for years and years. I do no longer have small children but the blankets are perfect for my dog. So stylish and perfect size. Love everything Halcyon Nights creates.